Hennessy says YES to sustainable maritime transport with NEOLINE' sailing cargo ships
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Mathieu Testud, Supply Chain Director : “We were among the first shippers to sign a commitment to load 4 million bottles of Hennessy cognac from France to the American East Coast. This project is completely in line with our approach to reducing carbon emissions. This is an environmental approach that is not new at Hennessy, in fact we were the first wine and spirits company to be certified ISO 14001 in 1998, so it really is a desire that came quite naturally in our supply chain and environmental projects.”
Nathalie Haber, Customer Service Manager : “C’était un cadeau de pouvoir enfin avoir cette première rencontre, cette première brique posée entre les chargeurs, et aussi pour les générations futures.”
#decarbonization #maritimetransport #solution #shippinginthewind #sustainable #supplychain #energytransition #sailingcargoship
Interviewed on the occasion of the 1st edition of WIND FOR GOODS (www.windforgoods.fr/en) on September 21, 2021 in St Nazaire (France) with the active support of Disobey (shooting/video editing).
2022 – To support windpropulsion for cargoships and embark with NEOLINE via crowdfunding :